Selling sponsorships can be a daunting task. With the economy down in some areas, many companies are cutting down on extra spending. This can add complication when trying to leverage your event as a value to sponsors.
We’ve complied advice from customers and experts from all over the world. Read on to see how to best sell your event to potential sponsors.
Expert 1: Customer Chris Kenner, Marketing Coordinator, Athletics Victoria (Australia)
“The first step [in selling sponsorships] is to determine which sponsors to approach. To do this, you need to gain a strong understanding of your audience. You also need to understand the relevance of the products and services you will be aligning your own [event] with.
Once you understand with whom you are talking to and their expectation levels, you have a stronger selling tool when negotiating with potential partners.
The key is to show sponsors that your database is influential. Your potential sponsors should understand that each individual [at your event] will become ambassadors for the sponsor’s brand in their own community.”
Expert 2: Customer Al McCartney, Event Manager, Ottawa Race Weekend (Canada)
“The best advice I can give new event directors when selling new sponsorships is to understand the relevance of your event to [a potential] sponsor’s services. Once you understand this relevance, you can describe to your sponsors how you can help achieve/activate their objectives. “
Expert 3: Charlie Mercer, President, Race 13.1 (USA)
“The best advice I can give is the be able to articulate the value of a sponsorship. Don’t send out a mass message, take the time to tailor the message to each potential sponsor”.
Expert 4: The Funding Center (Australia)
Australia’s Funding Center offers “10 Rules for Sponsorship Hunters”. A preview of these can be found below:
- Get started early – allow plenty of time in your forward planning.
- Get it in writing – no one is left in any doubt as to what has been agreed upon.
- Aim high – It’s better to get one or two big meaningful sponsorships in place than lots of small ones.
- Allow time for relationship building – don’t think that once you’ve got [a sponsor’s] check your job is done.
- Get educated – before you start…read a book or two, start networking, and consider doing some training.
To read the rest of the tips, click here