Q: Who sends the invitation email?
All participant invitation emails are sent using the invitation email engine in the Virtual Race Bags platform. You upload your participant data into your bag, which enables the ability to send the Welcome Invitations and Thank You Invitations for you.
Q: Who can access the virtual goody bag?
Your Virtual Goody Bag is available exclusively to participants of the event and can be accessed directly through the welcome and thank you invitation emails, no login required. Participants accessing the bag through a link will be asked to verify they are a participant. Click Here to view an example screen.
Q: How long before and after the event is the virtual goody bag open?
The welcome invitation email is typically sent 1-2 days prior to the event. The thank you invitation email is sent 1-2 days after the event. The bag “closes” to new traffic 5-7 days after the event. If your event has an expo or other pre-event activity then you can adjust the timing for sending the welcome invitation emails and potentially add a reminder invitation in the process.
Q: Can participants still access the digital goody bag after the event has happened?
Yes. Participants have access to their goody bag as long as they have the invitation email or a direct link. The offers inside the bag are available to them until the offer expiration dates pass. Participants can save offers to their special "My Offers" section which groups their “Saved Offers” together in one location for them to engage when they desire.
Q: How do I tell my Sponsors about the Virtual Race Bag?
Inside your dashboard you will find Resources and tools design to help events sell placements in their goody bag. You can send “Offer Invitations” directly from the platform which: shares information about your bag, includes placement pricing and most importantly a link to your Offer Builder Tool – which sponsors use to easily create their own offers. These invitations track activity so you can quickly monitor where invitees are in the process: opened, click-through or offer created. Other support resources include a single-page sell sheet and a simple sales guide which you could share as an introduction to the sales process.
Q: Do I charge my Sponsors to be in the virtual goody bag? If so, how much?
You set the offer placement price and keep 100% of the revenue! Based on feedback from our clients, pricing per offer placement ranges from $100 to as much as $1,500, depending upon the size and location of the event.
Q: Does Virtual Race Bags help bring sponsors to my event?
We have relationships with National Brand Partners that help provide relevant, high value offers in your goody bag for participants. All traditional event sponsorships are determined and controlled by the event.
Q: Do participants like getting digital offers?
Participants love "goodies" and because the Virtual Race Bags platform makes accessing and saving offers so simple, participants are excited to receive quality digital offers.
Q: Can participants view the digital goody bag on their mobile devices?
Absolutely! In fact as many as 40% of the participants in an event will access the Virtual Goody Bag via a smart phone or tablet.
Q: Can I use both a physical goody bag and a virtual goody bag?
Of course. Some events eliminate the physical bag entirely, others, especially those needing a "gear check" bag, continue to use a physical bag, but use the virtual goody bag for providing sponsor offers.
Q: Does someone on my team have to create offers for my Sponsors?
Not at all. Your Goody Bag Offer Builder Tool enables those you invite to create and submit their offers directly into your bag. Building an offer requires only a logo, image and content describing the offer. Our support team monitors the entire process so your team can focus on the event.
Q: What if my smaller Sponsors don't have offer special artwork or access to a designer?
If a sponsor has a logo and a picture from their phone, they can create an offer! Our platform enables anybody to create a beautifully designed offer without special artwork or design skills. Click Here to view an offer example.
Q: How do we get offers into our Virtual Goody Bag?
All offers are created and submitted through your Offer Builder tool directly into the bag for you. You can either collect all the offers from Sponsors and create all the submissions for them or have them submit directly.
Q: What types of offers generate the best response?
Participants respond to offers that are quality, high value and relevant, which can include traditional and online discounts, contests, access to new products and other special offers.
Q: Can participants print multiple copies of an offer?
To help keep honest people honest, every offer on our platform is assigned a unique number. In addition, the printed version of the offer includes the participant's full name, the unique number and a sequential print number, which shows the number of times the offer was printed. This enables sponsors to track redemption and monitor any potential abuse.
Q: What data is required and how do I get the data into my bag?
A simple data export from your registration system is all you need, including Name, Email, Gender and Age. You upload the data file (in .CSV format) into your bag inside the platform.
Q: How does Virtual Race Bags use the data I load into my bag?
The participant data is used to send Welcome and Thank You invitation emails to event participants, as well as to provide robust performance metrics to your sponsors. Click Here to view an example.
Q: How secure is my data?
We consider data security to be a vital part of our relationship with you, so we take great precaution to protect this data. No other event, sponsor, advertiser or person has access to your data in any way. Please see our Privacy Policy for more detail.
Q: Will my data be used for any other purpose?
We are not in the business of selling Personal Data. This information is used exclusively for the execution of your specific Virtual Goody Bag(s), as defined in our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Q: What performance metrics are captured by the Virtual Race Bags platform?
We capture the full "engagement funnel" for the benefit of your sponsors, from total participants to final offer engagement (ie: print, shop, learn, etc.) and every step in between. We also capture demographic information of participants who engage with offers, which is a unique value to your sponsors. Click Here to view an example statistics report.
Q: How do I provide this information to my sponsors?
Your dashboard will provide you complete performance report for each sponsor. You can email reports directly from the dashboard or download/print to include in your sponsorship package.