Case Study: USA Triathlon
USA Triathlon uses Virtual Event Bags to deliver added value to both national sponsors and their members.
USA Triathlon is the National Governing Body in the United States for triathlon as well as duathlon, aquathlon, aquabike, winter triathlon, off-road triathlon and paratriathlon. They have over 100,000 athletes who are members and a host of sponsors and brands that want to reach these athletes.
USAT is constantly seeking relevant, cost-effective benefits to deliver its Members
Delivering membership benefits to 100,000 members spread across all 50 states can get expensive fast. Most membership programs resort to email, but the results for sponsors are poor and perceived value for members is low. USAT first utilized a Virtual Event Bag for their events and quickly realized how easily it could be used to deliver special offers from sponsors to members.
Managing content from multiple sponsors is a breeze
USAT simplified the process by dividing their membership into 12 groups based on the month of renewal, which allows them to deliver a bag full of special offers from their sponsors as a reward to those who renew. If a sponsor wants to keep the same offer month-over-month, USAT simply copies the offer from one bag to the next. Sponsors wanting to change their offers can do so directly via our offer builder tool.
A Virtual Event Bag is a customized micro-website and therefore has a long “shelf life”
The problem with using email to deliver member benefits is that it has a very short “shelf life,” that is, it is easily missed and once missed is never revisited. A Virtual Event Bag is a dedicated microsite that is accessible for a period of time and is accessible through email, web links, social media, mobile apps and more. This significantly enhances member engagement and therefore value to sponsors.