The Buzz

Company Updates

What’s New in February

In February, we spent the majority of time focusing on enhancing the platform – aka making things better and easier for you. Most of the updates are tweaks, which are intuitive enough that you may not even notice them. That's perfect. The update which you find very noticiable, is the reworking and expansion of the reports. Now, you have the ability to review a more funnel-like view from actual participants through bag visits and the latest addition of visitor activity. Also, we continue to add more registration providers integration options. The latest integration partner is based in Minneapolis, MN.

Here are the detials about the recent updates: 

NEW – Enhanced Reporting

Reports are the heartbeat of the platform since they communicate the activities happening both inside the bag and each individual offer. We recently expanded the reports to include more information about the funnel starting from the amount of actual participants through their bag visit activity. Next we added a new section which focuses on the timing of participant activity. Now you are able to review when participants were both visiting your bag and your offers based on dates starting from the time your bag opens through when it closes. Also, we break down the traffic into visitors pre-event and post-event which is always another good way to review your data. Finally in your offer detial reports we have made them more robust by carrying over stats from the overall report and breaking down the offer activity into two sections – Participant Activity and Action Activity. The participant activity reflects the normal funnel of offer view through action. The action activities focus primarily on the specific actions taken – print, shop, learn, email, website, etc.

We could describe the benefits or bells-and-whistles all day long, but you have to see for yourself. Go login to your Dashboard and take a look around. Oh wait, one more thing I forgot to mention is the updates are retroactive so your will see the new reporting even in your closed bags. Okay that's all – go enjoy.

FEATURE – ZapEvent New Integration Partner

Our primary objectives are to make the platform very simple for events to manage. One of the key areas of focus is allowing events to connect their bags to their registration provider. Doing this makes the transfer of data happen near real-time and removed steps from the process of managing a bag. We are happy to announce our latest integration partner – As our customer base has grown and expanded into various verticals inside the sports arena, we found customers asking for this integration. Earlier this month we launched the integration and now already have customers taking advantage of the benefit. If you are a ZapEvent customer, giddyup and go connect your bag – enjoy the nice VRB discount as well after connecting.

The development road map for next month includes a host of updates and new features. Keep an eye out and stay tuned.

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